Friday, March 13, 2009


C++ Programming Language

Overview of C++ Programming
C++ is one of the most popular, widely-used programming languages. It is a high level, object oriented language that is often used in production of commercial software programs. As such, it is a “hot” technology that, in the job market, is very useful to know.
C++ is, in many ways, similar to java and C# programming languages.

Resources for Getting Started and Progressing Within Technology Careers

Education for Tech careers includes resources for getting started with a technology career. Education resources includes new grad and entry level learning resources for technology professionals. Also includes degree information and certification paths for technology careers. We have also included information about definitions and technical terms that are relevant to the technology industry. Finally, this section includes information about employment laws and compensation laws that are of particular interest in the tech industry.

Education and Certificates
New Grad and Entry Level Resources
Definitions - Technical Terms and Acronyms
Employment and Compensation Laws
Education and Certificates
Information and resources for degree programs and certifications relevant to technical careers. College options and considerations for bachelors and masters degree programs, as well as information about specific universities. Resources for obtaining popular technology certifications for entry level and experienced level technical professionals. Certification test preparation resources. Includes information about computer based learning programs.

Technical Certifications
Highest Paying Certifications
Microsoft Certifications
Cisco Certifications
Oracle DBA Certifications
Information Security Certifications
Online Degree Programs
Keeping Your Technical Skills Current
Deciding on A Graduate Degree
New Grad and Entry Level Resources
Resources specific to entry level and new grad candidates. How to write your first resume. Sample new grad resumes are included for ideas. How to write a cover letter for the first time, including sample cover letters that are specific to the technology industry. What to expect in a technical interview, with tips for answering interview questions. Samples of behavior based interview questions.

Comprehensive Entry Level Job Center
Entry Level Job Searching
Technical Internships
How to Write a Cover Letter
Resume Writing Guidelines
Free Resume Templates
Interview Tips
Thank You Letters
Best Salary Calculators
Definitions - Technical Terms and Acronyms
Definitions of popular technical terms and acronyms. Listing of different technical skills as well as resources for learning the skills. Industry resources and publications to stay current on technical topics and terms.

Technology Skills and Definitions
Technology Publications
Technical Dictionary - Terms from A through O
Technical Dictionary - Terms from P through Z
Employment and Compensation Laws
Information about employment and compensation laws, particularly those that are of most interest in the technology industry. Stock option rules

Information on C++

ANSI C++ StandardThis is the final approved standard for C++. The document is over 700 pages long!
gzipped PostScript
gzipped PostScript formatted 2-up landscape
gzipped PDF
Language Grammars
Complete ANSI C parser using Lex & Yacc
ANSI C EBNF Grammar written for use with PCCTS
C++ EBNF Grammar written for use with PCCTS
C++ EBNF Expression Grammar written for use with PCCTS
C++ EBNF Statement Grammar written for use with PCCTS
C++ Newsgroups
C++ Related Web Sites
ISO/ANSI C++ Draft Standard (dated April 28, 1995)
The Standard Template Library (STL)
The STL Manual in PostScript or PDF
STL Home Page
STL source code from HP Labs
STL source code from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
STL product info from ObjectSpace
GNU C++ Compiler (g++) and Libraries (libg++ and libstdc++)
GNU FTP server at MIT
GNU FTP server at Cygnus
GNU C++ FAQ (postscript document)
Doug Lea's GNU C++ Library (libg++) Page
C++ FAQs compiled by comp.lang.c++ (also posted to other ms-windows groups)
Newsgroup C++

Object-Oriented Programming
Online books (in postscript) with abstracts
Programmer's Heaven
Online Resource for Programmers
The US C++ Rules and Recommendations
Text Control
The TX Text Control is a versatile word processing component that handles MS Word, HTML and RTF documents. If you need a complete word processor for intranet applications, a desktop publisher with free text positioning and free text flow for a hypertext app, TX Text Control is the perfect choice. TX Text Control is very compact, fast, reliable and compatible with Microsofts Edit Control, but offers you in addition all the functions of a WYSIWYG word processor.
This is #C++ (updated!)
C++ Resource Site
WFC - Win32 Foundation Classes
Sam Blackburn - "Now I'm giving it away, I call it Win32 Foundation Classes

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